Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Jessore.

Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Jessore.
  • Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Jessore.

Business Info

Business Name Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Jessore.

Address Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Jessore.,Ground Floor,Jessore Sadar, Dhaka – Khulna Hwy, Jessore,Jessore Sadar Upazila
Jessore , Khulna

Phone 88042168640


Business Hours From 09:00 am to 05:00 pm (Closed- Friday To Saturday)


Product/Service Details

The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE), Jessore was established for Khulna division in 1963 by an Ordinance (vide East Pakistan Ordinance No. XXXIII of 1961) for the organization, regulation, supervision, control and development of Intermediate and Secondary level public examinations and educational institutions. The Ordinance was, however, amended in 1962 (No. XVI of 1962) and in 1977 (No. XVII of 1977). Dr. Abdul Haque was the founding chairman (9.10.1963 to 04.12.1965)... Read More
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