Averroes International School

Averroes International School
  • Averroes International School

Business Info

Business Name Averroes International School

Address 6/7-A,Ground Floor ,Block -B,Lalmatia
Dhaka , Dhaka Division

Phone +8801954123123

Email averroesint.school@gmail.com

Business Hours From 8.00 am to 2.00 pm (Saturday to Thursday)

Web https://aisd.edu.bd

Product/Service Details

 Averroes International School is a global award-winning school network for exceptional students, with a curriculum based on the prestigious International Baccalaureate(IB) series of programs. By enrolling brilliant young people from all backgrounds and equipping them with the highest international standard of education, Averroes seeks to develop future leaders with the skills and knowledge to assist good growth in their societies. The school, which is surrounded by a tranquil... Read More
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