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Ashraf Medical Center, Teknaf

Ashraf Medical Center, Teknaf
  • Ashraf Medical Center, Teknaf

Business Info

Business Name Ashraf Medical Center, Teknaf

Address Kulal para, Zip Station, Teknaf Municipality ,,Cox s Bazar,Teknaf Upazila
Cox's Bazar , Chattogram

Phone 8801867322377


Business Hours From 09:00 am to 09:00 pm (7 days a week)

Product/Service Details

Ashraf Medical Center, Teknaf doesn't just fill prescriptions; rather it belongs to the patients, Helps achieve health goals. We focus on the fact that our patients are of high quality, Get medicines and services. Also, we work with our customers to ensure they are on time Receives healthcare products and supplies. In addition, we medicine through our hotline, Facebook page or email and provide thorough support for ordering supplies. Best service to patients Giving is our motto.

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