Aman Feed Limited

Aman Feed Limited
  • Aman Feed Limited

Business Info

Business Name Aman Feed Limited

Address 2,Ishakha Avenue ,Sector-6,Uttara
Dhaka , Dhaka

Phone 02-7911691-3,7911016,8962297


Business Hours From: 9am to 5pm (Closed-Friday)


Product/Service Details

Aman Feed Limited(AFL) was incorporated on February 07, 2005 as a Private Limited Company vide the registration number C-55783(2466)/05 under the Companies Act, 1994. The Company commenced its commercial production on July 12, 2006 with relatively small size of operation and subsequently, expanded its production capacity on regular basis over the years to meet the increased demand by installing mash unit and modifying Silo, dumping point and others machinery.The Registered office of... Read More
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