Alpha Islami Life Insurance Ltd Rajshahi.

Alpha Islami Life Insurance Ltd Rajshahi.
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Business Info

Business Name Alpha Islami Life Insurance Ltd Rajshahi.

Address Alpha Islami Life Insurance Ltd Rajshahi.,4th Floor,29, Sorkar Tower, Greater Rd, Rajshahi- 6000,Paba
Rajshahi , Rajshahi

Phone 8801747-094999


Business Hours From 09:00 am to 09:00 pm (Closed- Friday)


Product/Service Details

Our mission is to introduce shariah based life insurance in Bangladesh and foster reeba-free moamalat by upholding the concepts of A’dal & Ehsan in every deal and contribute to the GDP by creating employment for the future generation through quality services.


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Research Methodology & Paper Publication (With SPSS and AMOS basic)