Business Name Al-Thihama Establishment
BH Plaza, Ka-50/2, Jagannathpur, ,Abdul Aziz Sharak, Progoti Sarani, Vatara, Norda, ,Mohakhali Dhaka,Mohakhali
Dhaka , Dhaka
Phone +88-02-8417881, 8417882, 8417883, 8417884, 8417885, 8011526, 8850640, 01711-884642
Business Hours 10:30 AM - 10:30 PM (Everyday)
Marketing, sales, human resource and manufacturing are vital roles for an organization; it is immensely significant to recruit efficient manpower to have an effective outcome. As a reputed recruiting agency, we are responsible for arranging manpower for your companies. We are very selective and concise in delivering our service.