Al-Modina Beej Bitan, Chokoria.

Al-Modina Beej Bitan, Chokoria.
  • Al-Modina Beej Bitan, Chokoria.

Business Info

Business Name Al-Modina Beej Bitan, Chokoria.

Address Cox s Bazar,Chakaria Upazila
Cox's Bazar , Chattogram

Phone 8801919645852


Business Hours From 10:00 am to 06:00 pm (Sunday to Thursday)

Product/Service Details

Al-Madina Seeds is a seed shop located in Bitan Chakria, Cox's Bazar. It is located along the main road of Chakaria Bazar. The store sells a variety of seeds, including: Rice seeds,jute seeds,Corn seeds,Vegetable seeds,fruit seeds,flower seeds,Some of the services of Al-Madinah Seed Plantation are as follows:Sale of seeds,Seed test,Agricultural Advice, Al-Madina Seeds is a popular seed store in Bitan Chakri. The shop staff is experienced and treats customers well. The store offers a wide... Read More
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