Al-Hidaayah was officially established in 2011 to offer a marvelous blend of British Curriculum & Islamic values.Al-Hidaayah has been built by a group of dedicated brothers and sisters in Islaam only for the sake of Allaah. It intends to fulfill a need that the Muslims today require, and that is of fulfilling the prophetic command of seeking knowledge. In today’s strange times we see people taking PhDs on various topics yet don’t know how to be a good son or neighbor....
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Al-Hidaayah was officially established in 2011 to offer a marvelous blend of British Curriculum & Islamic values.
Al-Hidaayah has been built by a group of dedicated brothers and sisters in Islaam only for the sake of Allaah. It intends to fulfill a need that the Muslims today require, and that is of fulfilling the prophetic command of seeking knowledge. In today’s strange times we see people taking PhDs on various topics yet don’t know how to be a good son or neighbor. And the reason for this is people’s deviation from their sole purpose of life which was to lead a life that Allaah (SWT) ordained for them. And it is impossible to fulfill this purpose without knowledge and thus Al-Hidaayah wishes to fulfill this gap by educating people about the beautiful message of Islaam along with the knowledge of natural sciences and otherworldly education, both in their highest standards insha'Allah.
Al-Hidaayah was officially established in 2011 to offer a marvelous blend of British Curriculum & Islamic values.Al-Hidaayah has been built by a group of dedicated brothers and sisters in Islaam only for the sake of Allaah. It intends to fulfill a need that the Muslims today require, and that is of fulfilling the prophetic command of seeking knowledge. In today’s strange times we see people taking PhDs on various topics yet don’t know how to be a good son or neighbor....
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