About Us
To introduce Bangla language in all sectors of knowledge LearnBangla will act at home and abroad.To help foreign learners build a foundation and to achieve language proficiency in using of Bangla language competency within the stipulated course duration.To uphold the glory of our country, cultural and historical values correctly to all over the world through our services.To establish, run and maintain education institutions for promotion of Bangla language, culture, literature and fine arts...
To introduce Bangla language in all sectors of knowledge LearnBangla will act at home and abroad.To help foreign learners build a foundation and to achieve language proficiency in using of Bangla language competency within the stipulated course duration.To uphold the glory of our country, cultural and historical values correctly to all over the world through our services.To establish, run and maintain education institutions for promotion of Bangla language, culture, literature and fine arts among the foreigners and to promote new and appropriate technologies, such as, satellite TV, internet, distance learning methods etc. as well as innovative ideas and methods for development of education.To establish, run and maintain similar education institutions namely, school, college, university, traditional training center and research institutes for under privileged poor people with a view to alleviate illiteracy and make them conscious about their lives, health, environment and economic condition.To provide formal and non-formal education in both rural and urban area and to under privileged to undertake and carry on any humanitarian or charitable program for the community and to take necessary initiatives for promotion of basic education, literature, fine art, and several vocational and skillful training.To raise necessary funds to extend educational facilities including promotion and establishment of educational institutes and to promote mass education and to organize facilities for education and training and set up an effective management informationsystem for regular and proper monitoring in furtherance of the objects of LearnBangla conduct research and undertake experimentation and evaluation of the activities of the enterprises set up or assisted by LearnBangla.To participate in different events to distribute relief in any natural disaster like flood, storm, cyclone, tsunami, drought and earthquake.To expand and strengthen its objectives and activities, LearnBangla will and may function at home and abroad with collaboration of different educational institutions/organizations of national and international level.To publish old manuscripts of the lost folklore of the country including the myth book after being collected them.To undertake motivation work among the public to create awareness of importance of language, culture, literature, arts and science etc.Enter into collaborative arrangements with other national, foreign or international aid agencies, investors and technical institutions to make joint venture, consortium or any other type of investment to extend communication and related technical services.Prepare and adopt bye-laws, rules and regulations, codes of practice and rules of business not inconsistent with the law for facilitating the proper functioning and administration of the LearnBangla and implementation of the projects and program sponsored by it and its partner organizations.
House 57, Dhaka 1213 Road 7/A, Block H Banani,
Banasree, Dhaka 1213
Contact Us
Call Us: 8801797546110
Email Us: info@lb.com