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About Us

Artcell was formed in November of 1999 by Ershad, Lincoln, Cezanne, and Shaju who were friends from their high school days. From the beginning, the lineup has not changed yet. They used to get together to practice some Metallica stuff and started performing them for other friends and thus it all started. Artcell was thought of as the name for a cultural movement of a friend circle, working collectively on different mediums of art like music, literature with a similar kind of aesthetic...

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Gulshan South Avenue
Gulshan-1, Dhaka 1212
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  • Artcell
    Artcell Artcell

    Artcell was formed in November of 1999 by Ershad, Lincoln, Cezanne, and Shaju who were friends from their high school days. From the beginning, the lineup has not changed yet. They used to get... Read More

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