About Us
VISION of AGRAJATTRA:nTo emerge as a platform for enhancement of capacity building of the disadvantaged/distressed women who are deprived, abused, and harassed in society & in workplace and make them self-reliant by providing broad based supports and guidelines. Also to uplift the living pattern of mass people or refugees who are victim to natural calamities or disasters or Geo-political phenomenon. AGRAJATTRA wishes to establish a fair society where peace, social equity, social...
VISION of AGRAJATTRA:nTo emerge as a platform for enhancement of capacity building of the disadvantaged/distressed women who are deprived, abused, and harassed in society & in workplace and make them self-reliant by providing broad based supports and guidelines. Also to uplift the living pattern of mass people or refugees who are victim to natural calamities or disasters or Geo-political phenomenon. AGRAJATTRA wishes to establish a fair society where peace, social equity, social justice, good governance and gender equity will be existed sustainably.nMISION of AGRAJATTRA:nTo encourage and foster the growth, development, and success of women of Bangladesh. Development of rural & urban communities by awareness building among women, men and children in the content of self-reliance in alleviating poverty, illiteracy, superstitions and mal-practices through various consciousness raising programs and income generating activities through multi skilled & diversified trainings.nGOALS & OBJECTIVES :nnTo improve the humanitarian needs and ensure improved access to basic food security of Extreme poor, Hard core poor, Ultra Poor families.nTo undertake relief and other emergency programs in the event of natural disasters like flood, TS cyclone, tornado, earthquake, and so on.nUndertaking economic activities to alleviate poverty through proper training for being self-reliant.nTo ensure the supply of safe drinking water to HTR areas and awareness build-up in health & hygiene.nTo provide Water well and sanitary toilets among beneficiaries for increasing awareness on health, sanitation and environmental pollution. Also stage advocacy programs for creating mass awareness among people on the health hazards of arsenic contamination.nTo work & awareness build-up on improvement of working conditions of women workers in Ready Made Garments/ Industries sector in Bangladesh.nTo working to establish a strong and united civil society promotes the implementation of fundamental labor rights in the ready-made garment (RMG) sector in Bangladesh.nTo working on ensure human rights and working against violation of workers’ rights.nTo expand the scope of State responsibility for protection of women’s human rights in both the public and private sphere; and To improve the effectiveness of the human rights system at the national and international level to both enforce women’s human rights and also to hold abusers accountable.nTo contribute the incident of domestic violence against women & girls through strengthening the existing social movement and service delivery system, increase awareness, attitude and behavior to prevent domestic violence against women in their own lives and communities.nTo create avenues for income generations for the jobless people especially female and youths through providing hands-on skills training on various trades like hand-embroidery, machine embroidery, computer literacy, dyeing, screen & block batik printing, dairy, fishery, beauty parlour, cooking, mushroom cultivation, nursery establishment, etc.nPromoting human resource development through increasing awareness, literacy skill development.nPromoting Formal & non formal education for street/ floating/beach children as well as normal communitynTo working to establish good governance at the local level.nTo working on gender discrimination to establish a society of gender equity.nTo working on the preservation of environment.nTo working to prevent woman and child trafficking.nTo observe national days (Including Vitamin A+, Polio etc) and religious festivals with due importance.nTo establish Vocational training institute as a means of to introduce modern technology & trained jobless youths for ensure livelihoods.nTo establish a Model humanitarian village where all resource & services will available for vulnerable women, child.nTo protect early marriage and dowry system from the society.nTo create public awareness on HIV/AIDS and its ways of transmission.nTo protect the high breed seed & develop the agriculture.nTo build up awareness activities of vulnerable group.nTo achieve the optimum target of SDGnTo enhance the overall socio economical atmosphere in a sustainable mechanism.nnPrinciples in Action of AgrajattrannImpartialitynHumanitynNeutralitynIndependencenVoluntary ServicenUnitynUniversalitynSocial EquitynGender Equilibriumn